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Shen Lingzhai Scenic Area Tel:


Scenic location

Luoyang Shenlingzhai Scenic Area is located in the southeast of the county 17 kilometers south of Xiong Er Shan Lu Lu Temple in the territory of the territory, east of ancient capital Luoyang 90 km, the provincial capital of Zhengzhou 215 km, 60 km from the Huo high speed, Zheng Lu high speed 13 km, from Luoning Driving 40 minutes to reach Luoyang city, 120 minutes up to Zhengzhou, 180 minutes up to Xi'an, in Luoning to form a "cross", traffic location obvious advantages.

Traffic Raiders

(1)Around the city by the highway to the gods Walled Scenic Area

Gods village scenic area is located in luoyang in 17 km southeast of the county bear ear mountain effect in three officer temple in forest farm, from the ancient capital luoyang 90 kilometers, east of zhengzhou, the provincial capital, 215 kilometers, is apart from the 60 kilometers, even huo lu zheng the 13 kilometers, 40 minutes drive from doronin of luoyang city, 120 minutes of zhengzhou, 180 minutes of xi 'an, on "cross" doronin form, traffic location advantage is obvious.

(2)From Luoyang along the provincial highway to the gods Walled Scenic Area

1)From Luoyang New Area along the provincial highway S319 line (Luohe south bank Anhu line) travel 80 kilometers to Luoning County (Anhu line and Shenling Road intersection), along the gods road driving 12 km to the gods Walled Scenic Area.
2)From Luoyang High-tech Zone along the provincial highway 323 (Luo River) to Luoning, and then travel 15 km to the Shenlingzhai Scenic Area.

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