One-day tour route

I. reference stroke:
08:00 visitors arrive at the entrance to the first ferry bridge
08:00-8:10 count the number of people, pay attention to matters
08:10 10:00 tour scenic spots are the first red ridge way bridge (Bamboo Lake) - bamboo - sister - gourd king crab - Tan waterfall waterfall, waterfall, peep radish red ridge - the last rock mountain farm returns
12:00 lunch (meal standard custom), taste wild farmhouse flavor.
14:00 the first bridge (Bamboo Lake) - bamboo - sister - gourd king crab - Tan waterfall waterfall, waterfall, peep radish Millennium kiln feed - water curtain Cave -- Riyuetan Pool -- jinzan river waterfall - five peak female dragon (watch) - silver chain - slide - the stone waterfall Waterfall (viewing platform) first viewing platform the line length of 1.5 kilometers, which lasted 3 hours. Full of trees, stone road twists and turns, a quite a bit of southern landscape natural scenery charm, can enjoy the scenery scenic road is not much water in the Central Plains, and God is a village. If it is summer, you can not only see the beautiful southern scenery, but also enjoy the fun of playing with the water. This line is suitable for normal physical strength of friends to play, the only bad thing is to go back.
[scenic features]
The main scenic spots in Shenlingzhai forests, valleys, waterfalls and stone waterfall features, its original ecological Canyon, a typical stone waterfall landscape and stone waterfall is well-known, far and near, the best in all the land name, bamboo town's reputation. Scenic spots in the fresh air, high content of negative oxygen ions birds'twitter and fragrance of flowers. The forest trail Qujingtongyou, moving King Legend natural waterfall splashing water is like jade beads. Here you can breathe hills and valleys brewing mellow air, listening to the sounds of fine Ming waterfall together, and those that have happened in this love, beautiful and moving legends, it is like a vacant misty, an elegant ink, waiting for you to taste, to appreciate the analysis.