Luoyang “Eight King”

1, Longmen mountain gantry, ancient name Yi Que, after the Sui and Tang dynasties began to refer to "gantry". Where the two mountains folder Zhi, shaped if the door Que, Iraqi water flow through it, like a long piercing through the door. Bai Juyi said, "Luoyang suburbs of the landscape of the victory, Longmen first Yan", so "Longmen Mountain" early known as the first eight scenic spots in Luoyang. 2000 Longmen Grottoes crowned world heritage list.
2, Ma Temple bell bell temple bell is Luoyang eight King in another scene. White Horse Temple to the Northern Wei Dynasty, Tang, Song era, because the Buddhist heyday, temple temple towering, there have been more than a thousand monks, monks every morning and evening on the temple chanting. Every month when the white wind clear night, dawn when the first time, the temple hit the chime bells recite the Buddha, the bell melodious floating, far heard a few, listen to make people feel good. To the Ming Dynasty, the temple has a large iron bell, weighing about 5,000 pounds, bells particularly loud. It is said that this bell and Luoyang East Street clock bell on the bell of a source, ancestral - white horse temple, you can resonate. People often hear the white horse temple bells at the same time, followed by Luoyang City clock bell on the bell also rang, folk circulating "east hit the clock west side of the ring, the west side of the bell hit Ming" story. Therefore, the White Horse Temple bells known as one of the eight scenic spots in Luoyang.
3, Jintu Chunqing Golden Valley Garden, is the West Jin Shicheng villa, the site in the old city of Luoyang, seven miles northeast of the Jinshan cave. Shi Chong is a famous monopoly. He was with the aristocratic landlord Wang Kai Qi Fu, built the Golden Valley villa, that is, "Golden Valley Garden." Park with the height of the building chisel pool. Park Qingxi hailed, water gurgling. Shi Chong due to Yamagata water potential, build a garden building, dug lake open pond, surrounded by dozens of miles, the tower pavilion pavilion, the next patchwork, Jinshui water lingering through the flow, birds quiet village, Shi Chong with silk silk needle, copper and iron, etc. sent to the South China Sea Islands for pearls, agate, amber, rhinoceros horn, ivory and other valuables, the park's house decoration was magnificent, like a palace. The scenery of the valley has been recited by people. When the spring in March, when the wind and warm days, peach shining, willow curl, pavilion Pavilion tree shaved, butterfly fleeing in the flowers; birds chirp, So people put the "Golden Valley Chunqing" as one of the eight scenic spots in Luoyang.
4, Mangshan night Mangshan also known as Ping Shan, Taiping Mountain, Jia Shan. It is like a long winding wind lying on the north of Luoyang, something crossed hundreds of miles, about 250 meters above sea level, as Luoyang's natural barrier. As the saying goes, "born in the Soviet Union and Hangzhou, buried in the North Mang", the ancients to the imposing, deep soil of the North Mang as a good place to die after death. Mengjin new village near the ancient mound, this is the Eastern Han Dynasty and the princes of the tombs of the ministers. When the Spring Festival in the spring and autumn heavy heavy nine (lunar calendar September 9), men and women in droves should go out of the green high. Especially in the north of the Cuiyun peak, the ancient Song and Song dynasties ancient woods, green clouds, is the people to climb the resort. When the sunset, the twilight of the vast, thousands of lights on the beginning, thousands of smoke curl, standing on the peak to see the foot of the mountain tall city, majestic palace, wide garden, magnificent pavilion, very spectacular. This is one of the eight scenic spots in Luoyang, "Mangshan night view" portrayal.
5, Tianjin Aria Tianjin Bridge, 100 meters in Luoyang Qiaodong, ancient iron with a number of ships and the formation of a pontoon. Built in the first year of the emperor Daoya (AD 605), and later, was the Sui and the peasant uprising army burned. To the Tang Dynasty, was converted into stone bridge. At that time, Sui Tang City around more than 50 years, the population of more than 100 million. Luo River from west to east through the city, Tianjin Bridge across the north and north of the city of the south gate, the end of the corresponding, the South and up to "seven hundred and thirty steps" "street wide hundred pits" Ding Ding door The street is connected to the north and south of the capital of the thoroughfare. Whenever the morning, the moon is also hanging in the sky, Tianjin Bridge on the bustling horses like a horse like a flow, no wonder the Tang Dynasty poet Liu Xiyi wrote "Ma sound round Qingyun, the figure shook green wave" painting. "Tianjin Aria" has always been known as one of the eight scenic spots in Luoyang, so the Tang and Song poets have a lot of singing Psalms of Tianjin Aria. Unfortunately, since the Song, after five hundred years of war, Tianjin Bridge was destroyed.
6, Luopu autumn wind Luohe, since the Sui and Tang Dynasties until the Northern Song Dynasty more than 500 years, after millions of working people's governance, both the boat will, and the scenery of the victory. At that time the Luo River, peaches and lakes shore, willow shade, long bridge lying wave, picturesque year round. Especially the "golden wind", "half moon" season, it is full of poetic. For thousands of years, Luobin scenery I do not know how many writers and gentlemen leave linger. As early as the Three Kingdoms, Cao Zijian said he met a goddess in the river, to play on the issue of a "Luo Shen Fu." Known as the early Tang four Jie Wang Bo, Yang Jiong, Lu Zhao, Luo Bin Wang have been wandering Luo Bin, could not bear to leave. Tang Gaozong, Shangguan Yi follow the embankment, slow bridle poems, Luobin scenery of the good, you can imagine.
7, Pingquan travel in the south of Luoyang 30, Longmen west of the foot of the mountain, there is a Liangjiatun village. Here surrounded by mountains, trees set off, springs flooding, Qingxi haunt, this is the Emperor Wu of the prime minister Li Deyu villa where the suburbs of the town.
8, copper camel rain "copper camel rain" is the last scene of Luoyang eight King King. It is located in the northeast corner of the city of Sui and Tang dynasties, when the international trade market is called "Fengdu City" area. It is beautiful, butterfly dancing, Ying Ming smoke Liu, Yan cut blue waves, the beauty of the scenery, no cave, no less than Jin Shi stone Chong Jin in the suburbs built by the valley. Sui and Tang dynasties where the smoke is dense, when the twilight of the vast expanse of smoke rising, like misty rain, have numerous, this is the praise of the people "copper camel rain" origin.