Luoyang Shen Lingzhai Ski Resort is about to open!

Shen Lingzhai ski resort is located in the national geological park, the national forest park, the national AAAA level tourist area --- Luoyang Shenlingzhai scenic area, "snow fairyland, fairy tale world" reputation. Luoning County is located in the south of Xiong ear mountain, from the ancient capital of Luoyang 85 kilometers, 210 kilometers of the provincial capital of Zhengzhou, Sanmenxia 90 kilometers. 13 km from the high-speed Zheng Lu, S319 provincial highway 9 km, the gods fast road direct scenic area, the traffic is very convenient. Luoyang City is located in the first scenic area, and scenic spots can be one of the winter snow, snow tourism places, ski resort a total investment of 20 million yuan, with a total area of ​​300,000 square meters, of which snow area of ​​50,000 square meters, service hall 2500 square meters, the construction of the early, the middle of the snow 1, the apron Road 3, snow area 5000 square meters, and the introduction of Germany's advanced snow, snow equipment and the new magic blanket, snowboard, snow rubber ring Supporting services. In addition to Shen Lingzhai ski resort also increased children's skiing, snow excavators, snow snow, snow, snow and other children's skiing facilities. To ensure that every skiing can enjoy snow, snow, snow, skiing and other fun in the area of ​​the snow resort. A strong professional coach lineup is tailored to provide you with humanized teaching services, scenic hot drinks, restaurants, hotels and other service facilities readily available.

For a long time in the city to run around you, come here! Relax in the Shen Lingzhai ski resort, to experience the natural landscape of the quiet, snow-capped romantic, snow fly to stimulate. Relive the passion of childhood snow, enjoy the charm of winter nature, and lover with the experience of skiing to fly it!