It's too late!To have a tanabata night of you, look at this whole mountain accommodation raiders!

The city is too tired to fight,

How to remove exhaustion?

The lake is too much nonsense,

Better go to bed in the mountains.

A busy life makes people breathless.

Are you looking for a place to have a good night's sleep?

I've found more than one place for you.

There are star hotels, Special Branch Hall, there are farm houses

Away from the hustle and bustle of the city

Give you the life you wanted

This is the Spirit village.

It gives you the most natural, comfortable, quiet night.


No. 1th Zi Zhu Court

The landscape, the scenery is pleasant, is the most classic of the spirit of a comprehensive hotel, put down the rhythm of work, the rest of the journey, give it!

Simple and discreet

Business and Leisure

 /Bamboo Garden 1th Accommodation Information 

Star: ★

Set food and beverage, accommodation, conference, as a whole.At present, the first floor of the restaurant Department of 1th, Zi Zhu Court for the public restaurants, the second floor for VIP rooms, the room has 127 beds, divided into luxury suites, deluxe double standard Room, ordinary double standard room and hour room, another meeting room (large, small) parking, etc...


No. 2nd Zi Zhu Court

The back of the castle is a pleasant sight.You can see the magnificent stone waterfall, but also close to a large area of light bamboo, blue waves, winding streets, it is worth experiencing oh!

Nature Garden

Cozy and comfortable

 /Bamboo Garden 2nd accommodation Information 

Star: ★
Zi Zhu Yuan 2nd hotel is located in the scenic parking area 300 meters south, with rooms, restaurants, meeting rooms, chess room.Can undertake more than 90 people accommodation, and provide friends gathering, family dinner, expand training, government meetings and other services.

Cityinn Hotel Taipei

"Bamboo" means full of hotels, flowers, let you cross the nature, return home of the harbor.

 /Cityinn Hotel Accommodation Information 

Stars: ★★★★

The spirit of the village to "bamboo culture" as the theme, the front desk, corridors, rooms are everywhere are bamboo, Yi Museum Hotel has more than 100 rooms, design style highlighting the beauty of beginner's mind, design beauty, artifacts of the United States, follow the return to the original eco-hotel mode ...


Eden Restaurant

The chef makes the most of the taste you miss.There is no secret, just the landscape, the nourishment of the season, and a little simple intentions.

 /Spirit Village Food Square-Yi Yin Hall

Can accept 400 people to dine at the same time.Food healthy nutrition, unique flavor, in addition to the buffet (limited groups), as well as farm food, teppanyaki, soups, use of raw materials are used in mountain pollution-free green ingredients, such as dried, black fungus, bracken, tea tree mushrooms, mushrooms, chicken, etc., in the jungle of the seven mushrooms eight bacteria.

Have a hangout with friends here

Make up the wine, tasting the food

The birds of the ear surround

Between the valleys, Joy is the immortal.

Only living comfortably.

To go on a journey full of vitality.

So today this walk of the heart of the introduction to close!