1 votes and 2 people playing!The chattering circle is all in the brush, the fire is it!

Recently, a small partner asked small series:

"Where is the spirit of the village?"”

There are a lot of little brothers, ladies and sisters.

To punch in for the colorful dry-slip run.

How can I let you down?

So, today, to play a big!

NET red, colorful, dry and slippery

One vote in 2!

The spirit Village colorful dry slippery fare 30 yuan/person

From now until August 31

1 tickets can be played by 2 people!

Without a peer partner.

Single visitors can play 2 times!

Yan value high, and exciting!

Fly down from the Super ~ long chute

Don't be too!Cool!!

Adults and children are addicted to minutes.

Thrilling stimulation, super decompression!

The specific position of the gods ' village in the dry and slippery

Everyone must remember:

Fire all over the sound of Friends Circle

Super cool, dry and slippery.

The old iron men are about to get up!